The 5 Best Shopify Report Apps Compared

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Data report is mandatory for any kind of business, and Shopify ecommerce is not an exception. This job requires detailed manual work for collecting, cleaning up, and organizing the data to build an informative report file. Online businesses like ecommerce, fortunately, always have digital tools which automate the report tasks to save a significant amount of time and effort. If you have a Shopify store and are still working on the regular reports manually, you have to find a Shopify report application right now on the Shopify app store. But wait, you’re better read this article to find which report tool is right for you.

Popular Shopify report apps and their main features

There are 5 popular data report applications for Shopify stores, namely:

  • Better Reports
  • Super Reports
  • Report Pundit
  • Data Export Reports
  • Advanced Reports

First of all, the main features of all these 5 products are quite the same, which are predefined templates for commonly used reports such as inventory, transactions, orders, customers, and especially reports for total sales, sales by channels, by products, by product vendors, by variant SKU, by discount, by campaign, and plenty more templates for tax, fulfillment, return and refund, etc. You are also able to build custom reports based on 500+ metrics and dimensions, and segment, sort, or filter data by date, volume, or any other field. The reports can be scheduled to be sent automatically via email by daily, weekly, or monthly. With the very similar features in comparison with each other, these Shopify report apps focus on different business sizes, with different standards of performances and UI/UX. However, these differentiations are not perfectly reflected in their pricing.

Shopify report app pricing review

1. Better Reports on Shopify

Install Better Reports

Better Reports is more premium than any of these other tools in this list, it has 4 pricing packages defined by Shopify plans of the store owners. The main focus of Better Reports is Shopify users who are using Advanced Shopify and Shopify Plus, with the subscriptions at pretty high costs which are $149.9 for Advanced Shopify and $299.9 for Shopify Plus. The features stay the same for all 4 packages, so the differences between these packages are only product performances.

This the pricing policy from Better Reports

  • Basic Shopify – $19.9/month
  • Shopify – $39.9/month
  • Advanced Shopify – $149.9/month
  • Shopify Plus – $299.9/month

2. Super Reports on Shopify

Install Super Reports

Super Reports has 4 plans for Shopify users, which are:

  • Free – $0/month
  • Basic – $9.99/month
  • Advanced – $29.9/month
  • Super – $49.9/month

This is the only one in this list that uses the subscription prices according to feature limits, rather than based on Shopify plans of users. This pricing policy is reasonable for any kind of Shopify stores at any business size, because it ensures the same level of performance for all packages. The difference between plans of Super Reports is the number of orders processed. Shopify stores which use the Basic subscription are able to view the reports with less than 5.000 orders, while Advanced subscribers can view less than 20.000 orders. The Super subscription offers unlimited number of orders. So no matter if your Shopify store is Basic Shopify or Shopify Plus, the cost for Super Reports depends only on the volume of monthly orders handled by your operation.

3+4. Data Export Reports and Report Pundit

Install Data Export Reports

Install Report Pundit

From the same Shopify app publisher Estore Automate, Data Export Reports and Report Pundit have the same functionality but different pricing due to the more advance in UX and performance of Report Pundit in comparison to Data Export Reports. Data Export Reports has three packages which are:

  • Small – $5/month
  • Medium – $10/month
  • Large – $20/month

The most significant difference in the three subscriptions is the number of report templates, which is 01 for the Small plan, 10 for Medium plan, and 20 for Large plan. There are also some tiny add-on benefits if you upgrade your plan to the higher one, but these differentiates are not really remarkable.

Because Data Export Reports is not really user-friendly, Estore Automate launches Report Pundit, the tool has better UI/UX and more stable performance for all kinds of Shopify stores. However, like many other Shopify report applications, Report Pundit’s pricing depends only on the Shopify plans of the store owner, which are:

  • Shopify Basic – $15/month
  • Shopify – $30/month
  • Shopify Advanced – $50/month
  • Shopify Plus – $70/month

With this pricing policy, we can see that Report Pundit is mainly focusing on store owners who are using Shopify Advanced and Shopify Plus. Their plans offer better performance for the two highest Shopify packages, while the functionality stays the same for all subscriptions.

5. Advanced Reports on Shopify

Install Advanced Reports

Advanced Reports is another low cost option for Shopify users. The application is not available for Shopify Plus, there are only three paid subscriptions which are:

  • Basic Shopify – $14.99/month
  • Shopify – $29.99/month
  • Advanced Shopify – $39.99/month

The selling point of Advanced Reports is reasonable price with acceptable performance. Product features are the same for all subscriptions.

Overall comparison

 Better ReportsSuper ReportsDERReport PunditAdvanced Reports
Small volumeAcceptableGoodGoodGoodGood
Medium volumeAcceptableGoodAcceptableGoodAcceptable
Large volumeGoodAcceptableAcceptableAcceptableNot Available
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