Removing Shopify badge and Shopify admin bar after logging in to the admin account

Glozin Lunar New Year Big Update

After logging in to the admin account on Shopify store, when you go to your online store, you will see a Shopify badge – Shopify admin bar.

It’s not affect but may be you don’t like it. You can remove it. It’s simple.

  1. From your Shopify admin, to to Online Store > Theme.
  2. Find the theme you want to edit and then click Action > Edit code.
  3. In the Assets section, click any style file (.CSS)  to open the file in the online code editor.
  4. Add the below code at the end of file.
  5. Save and your are done.

Happy coding!

Hura Theme Blocks & Sections

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3 Responses

  1. Sol Lee says:

    Wow this is so much more helpful than Shopify support team 🙂
    They said: “you can’t remove it. Good news is customers won’t see the admin bar so do not worry”

  2. Jetziel says:

    Thank you very much for the code; I tried the solution and it is working PERFECT so far. Any idea why Shopify added this Admin bar and why they are dishonest about removing it?

  3. Xeisu says:

    That’s actually a really bad solution. The asset will still be loaded, just not displayed. So you slow down your website for nothing.

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