How to protect your email address on Shopify store from spammers

Glozin Lunar New Year Big Update

Does your email address get spam? Have you noticed an increase of spam since building your Shopify store? You know: If you have a Shopify store, it is crawled not only by search engines, but in the worst case also by spammers. If your email address is in plain text on your source code of your webpage, the spammer will save it in his list and send you many spam mails.

It’s time to find a way to protect your email address from the hackers who scrape websites for email addresses and then sell them to spammers who fill your inbox with crap. But how to protect your email address from spammers but still share it for your customers?

Oh! You can encrypt your email address. If you encrypt your email address, the spammers job is more difficult, because he can not read your email address so easily. The encryption is not visible to normal visitors and does not restrict the use of your website.

The email address is decrypted directly in the browser of the visitor. This procedure is supported by all browsers.

Step 1: Go to the page via URL:

Step 2: Fill your email address into field Regular email address.

Step 3: Click on to Encode button to encrypt your email address.

Copy and paste the code on your website instead of your email address. In the source code for the web page, look like this:

Please note that we can’t guarantee that this protection is 100% safe.

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