Ecommerce Holiday Readiness: 5 Shopify Apps Help to Boost Sales

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The countdown to the holiday shopping season 2019 in on!

Been too busy managing your eCommerce business and haven’t really prepared your store promotions for the season? No worries, we won’t leave you hanging there. This article will cover about 5 Shopify apps help you to boost sales.

We have no time to waste on raising the curtain, so let’s start immediately:

1. Product Labels


As the customer visits your site, trigger their curiosity by product labels. “New”, “Hit”, “Cyber Monday”, “Black Friday”, “Sale”, “New Collection”, “Free Shipping” – These are some of the labels to badge on your products that promote special attributes of products and holiday offers.

2. Sales Pop up ‑ Social Proof


So you grabbed the customer attention with labels, now you need to convert it by… creating a sense of urgency!

Get your shopper to take action immediately with the help of notifications: Number of people watching this product, number of times this product was bought,  products left and other customizable notifications.

People always seek social approval. Social proof persuasion technique can be especially effective when customers shop for gifts for their loved ones or when in a hurry.

3. Bold Upsell ‑ Upsell Smarter


If two of the above have worked and your customer has put the product to the cart and ready to place the order, time to think how to increase the order value. Keep in mind that to extract more value from your customers, you need to offer more value. And here you can make a good use of the best eCommerce selling practices – cross-selling and upselling.

Offer maximum value to customers by:

  • Displaying comparable higher-end products than the one in question
  • Showing complementary items to the main product

4. Bold Bundles ‑ Product Bundles


The customer still hesitating to order more? Then our last resort is the good old “Special offer: Buy two, get one free!”. Never failed.

Special offer: Create promotions like “Get every 3rd product for free”, “Buy 3 books and get $5 off on the cheapest one”, and more.

Run many promotions at the same time, configure dates when special offers should be available. Also you can choose which promotions can be, or can not be combined with other special offers.

5. Gift Registry online, in‑store


So #4 worked miracles and the customer did place the order. And now you want more customers. Installing Gift registry is a sure way to bring more traffic to your website with minimum effort on your part. Let your customers create gift registry lists (wish lists) and share them with friends to get the presents they really want!

  • Each user can create an unlimited number of events and gift registries
  • Other users can view created events and purchase products from any wish list. These products will be sent to the event owner

Email Santa!

Suggest parents to use gift registry functionality of your store to bring back some magic to their family lives and, on more practical side of things, help their children get what they really want for Christmas – saving parents (and yourself) the trouble of returning stuff.

We got the idea how gift registry works: you create a wish list of desired products and send a link to it to somebody’s email. But what if this is a child’s wish list and he or she sends it to Santa’s email? (some preparation from parents’ required).

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