2+ of the Best Shopify 404 Page Designs Apps

Glozin Lunar New Year Big Update

A 404 page is an error that a visitor will receive when they click a broken link. Broken links happen when products are removed from your website, but the link is still floating around, like on Facebook or Pinterest. Broken links can arise from even manual entry and is simply misspelled. Many stores tend to forget the importance of their 404 page and how common it can be a dead end for visitors.

Many 404 pages are full of tech jargon which overwhelms a potential customer. Many of them will exit the page and probably won’t ever come back.

In fact, you can custom your 404 page to convert that visitor into a lead or even a sale. Which can be a pretty poor return of investment considering on how you got them there in the first place.

If you’re more technical, you may want to do this manually. If you consider yourself non-technical, there are Shopify apps that help you.

Here is a list of the best Shopify 404 Page Designs Apps:

1. 404 Custom Page

This unique marketing tool is a great asset to any website! Using the 404 app, you can customize your 404 page and turn an unfortunate incident into an opportunity.

With this app you can create captivating text and select custom image that will appeal to your potential customer. Further customize the 404 page with custom colors and fonts to blend seamlessly with your theme.

You also can create or select a collection to showcase products on your 404 page. This strategy is a great way to market select products to your lost visitors.


2. Better 404 Pages

This app automatically adds all the code needed to make a good 404 page, such as adding a search bar, upload an image, showing recommended products and add navigation links, without any coding skills required.

Editing your template files to add small code snippet can be tricky and error-prone. That’s why using app’s like this one is much easier and more secure.


Also if you are using a Shopify Page Builder app you can also use it to custom for your 404 page. I’ve also written an article to introduce you with a list of the best Shopify Page Builder apps.

Hura Theme Blocks & Sections

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