3 Tips To Boost Your Traffic By Using The Right Shopify SEO Tools

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Using search engine optimization (SEO) is one strategy for increasing traffic to an online shop. There is a lot you can do on your own to improve your SEO, however, to save time and focus on running a business, you need to use SEO tools. If you are a brand new business and want to get started with Shopify, or your business is experiencing low traffic and needs improvement, this article will help you do just that. This article will discuss the benefits of using Shopify SEO tools and how the Shopify app may assist increase your site traffic.

3 tips to choose the right Shopify SEO tools to boost your traffic

1. Use Built-in Shopify SEO features

Shopify is aware of the significance of drawing in new customers and expanding your online following. That’s why it is included some handy SEO tools within the platform itself. Shopify online stores have SEO built in and feature to help you optimize your content. Some SEO is taken care of automatically: auto-generated canonical tags are added to pages to prevent duplicate content from appearing in search results, your website’s sitemap.xml  and robots.txt  files are automatically generated, and themes automatically generate title tags that include your store name. Also, themes are required to have social media linking and sharing options to make it easier for you to market your store.

You can optimize your content using features built into Shopify:

  • You can edit the title tags, meta descriptions, and URLs for blog posts, webpages, products, and collections.
  • You can edit the alt text for images.

Shopify has a dedicated SEO-improving page where you can learn more about these tools and the company’s SEO advice.

2. Use a third-party Shopify SEO tool

Shopify has a great app store where you can find any application to best support your work. SEO apps are no exception. With just 1 click to download the application to your store, all SEO problems will be solved in the fastest way. Each app will have unique features and different prices, but all will ensure that after integrating them when people search online for what you’re selling, visitors will find your store—and get there fast. All you have to do is go to the Shopify app store and find out which apps will best suit your store’s needs and install them now. You can see the recommendation of 7+ Of the Best Shopify Apps For SEO for reference.

3. Employing an SEO expert

If your business has a lot of capital or you are so overwhelmed that you cannot run the business on your own, a great idea is to hire experts in the field of SEO. This will cost quite a lot, but in return, you will no longer care about this problem.

Unlike finding Shopify SEO tools on your own, hiring experts will reduce a lot of work. Moreover, experts will understand your business situation, and analyze the problems that your business is facing to find out which SEO tool is the most suitable and necessary for your business. Experts will have a more objective view of the current SEO situation of the business from which your problem will be resolved quickly.

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