Google allows you list your products on Google Shopping for free

Glozin Lunar New Year Big Update

Google is making a significant change to its Google Shopping platform by letting any business owner that sells products online list their inventory for free.

Previously, the Google Shopping tab consisted only of paid listings, but starting today free listings will appear alongside paid ads in relevant search results.

These changes will take effect in the U.S. before the end of April, and they aim to expand this globally before the end of the year. If you’re an existing user of Merchant Center and Shopping ads, you don’t have to do anything to take advantage of the free listings, and for new users of Merchant Center, you can start now.

Google is also kicking off a new partnership with PayPal to allow merchants to link their accounts. This will speed up our onboarding process and ensure they’re surfacing the highest quality results for users. And they’re continuing to work closely with many of their existing partners that help merchants manage their products and inventory, including Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, to make digital commerce more accessible for businesses of all sizes.

If you are using Shopify platform for your bussiness, that is good because Shopify is partnering with Google to make it easy for merchants to sync, submit, and optimize their products for these free listings through Shopify’s Google Shopping app.

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