BigCommerce Integrates with Amazon Buy With Prime

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BigCommerce, a company that makes e-commerce platforms, has released the Amazon Buy with Prime app for BigCommerce. This is a self-service integration that U.S. merchants can use to add Buy with Prime to their BigCommerce storefronts.

With the Buy with Prime app for BigCommerce, products on any BigCommerce storefront can be set up, Amazon Display Ads can be turned on, and a Buy with Prime button can be added. Merchants also get access to marketing tools called “Buy with Prime” which use the promise of Prime delivery to bring in customers and make sales.

Using the Buy with Prime app for BigCommerce, businesses can:

  • Show the Buy with Prime badge, the Prime logo, and the delivery promise on all of their BigCommerce stores’ product pages.
  • Shoppers should be able to use their Amazon account information to check out directly from their BigCommerce stores.
  • Offer fast, free shipping for Buy with Prime products.
  • The BigCommerce Control Panel is where they can manage their Buy with Prime product catalogs and see their Buy with Prime orders and returns.
  • Get information about customer orders, such as their email addresses, from shoppers.

Sharon Gee, vice president of revenue growth and general manager of omnichannel at BigCommerce, said in a statement: “This integration is the first of its kind and is a game-changer for omnichannel merchant and partner growth“.

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