Scalify app – The simple, powerful way to scale your Facebook ad campaigns for Shopify

Glozin Lunar New Year Big Update

If you use Facebook to promote your products, you should be already familiar with the concepts of custom audiences, lookalike audiences, retargeting, split testing, audience breakdown…

These concepts are vital when optimizing and scaling your ads.

However, the process of working with audiences and launching new ad sets manually is very tedious, takes a long amount of time and quickly gets messy, to the point where you get too lazy to do it.

This is where Scalify comes into play.


Scalify automates all the Facebook Ads scaling tasks so that merchants can scale their ads without the manual work, saving them hours of daily work and giving them a real competitive edge over their competitors!

Scalify can help merchants by:

  • Automatically create custom audiences
  • Automatically create lookalike audiences
  • Create lifetime customer value (LTV) based lookalike audiences
  • Automatically run ads for custom or lookalike audiences
  • Automatically create retargeting ads with page posts
  • Automatically create DPA (Dynamic Product Ads) retargeting ads
  • Automatically break the ad sets down by age and gender for accurate split testing
  • Automatically create custom conversions for products in the store

Scalify takes care of all the repetitive and time consuming tasks involved in scaling your Facebook Ads, saving you a massive amount of daily time consuming manual work, giving you a real competitive edge over your competitors.

Scalify completely eliminates the tedious manual work so you can save hours of daily boring tasks and scale your ads as hard as you want. In just a few clicks, you can:

Customer LTV Lookalike Audiences

Target people who are similar to your existing customers. These people will more likely purchase from you as they share the same interests and behavior of your customers.

You can also add an LTV (lifetime) filter to only match the high spending customers.

Website Traffic Lookalike Audiences

Use your previous website traffic data to create Lookalike Audiences of visitors who have viewed your product, clicked add to cart, initiated checkout, added payment info or purchased. Scalify also supports multiple pixels for data collection and optimization.

Video Views Lookalike Audiences

Use data from your video views to run ads targeting people who are interested in your products. Usually, people who completed watching your video are the most interested ones. Running an ad to a lookalike audience of those people is a smart idea.

Retarget Potential Customers

Retarget potential customers who have already showed interest in your product, by watching your video, or by taking an action on your site without completing the purchase, using the page post you choose to preserve enagement.

Dynamic Product Catalog Retargeting

DPA retargeting ads target shoppers with a dynamic carousel to remind them of products they viewed but didn’t buy. Big companies like Amazon and ebay do this all the time as they are ones of the most powerful ad strategies.

Easy Custom Conversions

Custom Conversions allows you to track specific actions people take on your store for specific niches and products you have. With Scalify, you can create Facebook Custom Conversions easily without having to fiddle around with content IDs.


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