Important Days At The End of The Year For eCommerce

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Knowing the holidays of the year is very important for businesses. When knowing the meaning of the holidays, businesses will carefully prepare appropriate marketing strategies and identify the right target groups that the business wants to target. Thanks to occasions like these, businesses can have incentive programs for new customers, gifts, and gratitude gifts for loyal customers, thereby bringing high sales to businesses, helping businesses to increase profits. achieve business goals quickly. So during this time to the end of the year, are there any holidays that business people need to pay attention to, you can refer to the following article.

1. Gray Thursday

While Black Friday is known for its doorbuster deals, the shopping holiday has grown so big it has seeped into Thursday. What most people call Thanksgiving is now being called Gray Thursday thanks to big-box stores that are opening early to maximize profits over the holiday weekend. While “Gray Thursday” may take away from turkey time, some shoppers can’t resist a good deal. So, why don’t your business try to start the promotion right from this time?

2. Black Friday

Black Friday is the unofficial name for the Friday after Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving day falls on the 4th Thursday of November in the United States, so Black Friday falls between the 23rd and 29th of May) and is considered the opening date for Christmas shopping season. On this day, many stores sell heavily and open very early, such as at midnight, or may even start their sales sometime around Thanksgiving.

3. Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday held during the Saturday after Thanksgiving in the United States during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. This Saturday is always the last one in November, so it falls between November 24 and November 30.

4. Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday is a term used to refer to the first Monday after Black Friday, the kick-off date for the online shopping season in the United States between Thanksgiving and Christmas. born. If Black Friday is associated with traditional shopping (customers go to stores to buy and sell), Cyber Monday symbolizes a new form of shopping, online shopping, when transactions are made. mainly through the Internet.

5. Giving Tuesday

GivingTuesday, often stylized as #GivingTuesday for the purposes of hashtag activity, is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the United States. This is a day that can be seen to encourage people to do good. This is an opportunity for businesses to spread their goodwill by selling their products to customers and taking the money they earn to give to charities. Some nonprofits use the day as an opportunity to kick off year-end donation campaigns, where they hope to take advantage of tax-deductible and charitable contributors. minds of those looking to make a positive impact during the holiday season.

6. Green Monday

This date usually falls on the second Monday of December, right after the Black Friday peak. The name was first used by eBay in 2007 to describe it as their best online sales day during that month, and since then it’s become known as the third-best day for online shopping, right behind Cyber Monday and Black Friday. Green Monday is also called Cyber Monday 2 as it’s seen as technically a second Cyber Monday, and consumers are drawn to the “second chance”, especially those who didn’t complete all their intended shopping on the regular Cyber Monday.

7. Free Shipping Day

Free Shipping Day was the idea of ​​an entrepreneur named Luke Knowles, one of the guys who set up in 2007 a popular site for free shipping. The peak of the online sales season will end on December 10 or 12. After this date, if people want to give gifts to their loved ones before Christmas, people have to switch to supermarkets and stop shopping online for fear that their gifts will not be delivered before Christmas. Free Shipping Day is a one-day event held annually in mid-December. On the promotional holiday, consumers can shop from both large and small online merchants that offer free shipping with guaranteed delivery by Christmas Eve.

8. Super Saturday

Super Saturday or Panic Saturday is the last Saturday before Christmas, a major day of revenue for American retailers, marking the end of the shopping season they, and many customers, believe begins on Black Friday. Super Saturday targets last-minute shoppers. Typically the day is ridden with one-day sales in an effort to accrue more revenue than any other day in the Christmas and holiday season.

9. Gift Card Day

National Use Your Gift Card Day is a shopping holiday that takes place yearly on the third Saturday of January. It is an unofficial observance with the inaugural observance taking place on January 18, 2020. National Use Your Gift Card Day encourages people to remember to use their gift cards.

10. Boxing Day

Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated the day after Christmas Day, occurring on the second day of Christmastide. Though it originated as a holiday to give gifts to the poor, today Boxing Day is primarily known as a shopping holiday. It originated in the United Kingdom and is celebrated in a number of countries that previously formed part of the British Empire. Boxing Day is on 26 December, although the attached bank holiday or public holiday may take place either on that day or one or two days later (if necessary to ensure it falls on a weekday). Boxing Day is also concurrent with the Christian holiday Saint Stephen’s Day.

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