Facebook for Business in 60 Seconds: 5 First Steps

Glozin Lunar New Year Big Update

Hate to break it to you, but the world does not care which breakfast cereal, discontinued ‘90s soda, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle you are (Leonardo, obviously).

So instead of publishing yet another link to an inane online quiz, why not make yourself, and Facebook, useful.

Here’s how to create a great marketing page for your company:

Step 1: Identify your company using one of Facebook’s 6 categories: local business/place, company/organization/institution, brand/product, artist/band/public figure, entertainment, cause/community. From there, Facebook offers more specific categories with a dropdown menu (i.e. “pet services” or “bar”).

Step 2: Complete the basic information. This step is pretty self-explanatory. You’ll be asked to enter information about your company and upload a profile picture. You’ll also be prompted to create a Facebook ad, but it’s likely best to hold off on this step until you’ve established your page’s identity.

Step 3: Add a cover photo. This image should serve as a large banner identifying your brand with dimensions of 851 x 315 pixels.

Step 4: Create content. Now that the foundation has been laid, you’ll want to update your feed with content before inviting people to like the page. You can create text-based status updates, image-based photo updates, or add videos and links. Do you have beautiful shots of your products? Try creating an album and include details like pricing and purchasing information in the caption box.

Step 5: Build an audience. Once you feel like you have a decent amount of content in your feed, invite your employees, friends and customers to “like” your page.

Via Tapp

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