The Dos and Don’ts of Social Media Images

Hura Product Showcase Builder

What’s the first thing you see when you open a social media profile?

Most likely, it is the image!

Be it a brand’s profile or a friend’s – the images are the first thing that catches our attention as we scroll through one timeline to another.

But when it comes to adding images on a social media channel, there are many factors to juggle. And if you miss out on anyone – you can lose a lot of eyeballs on your profile.

To ensure this doesn’t happen to your social media profile, let’s take a look at some dos and don’ts related to social media images and help you set the right photo on your next feed.

Do: Use the Right Color Format

Interestingly, 85% of consumers cite colors as the primary reason for choosing a brand or a product. This means that colors play an essential role in the buyer’s purchase decision. You can also use the phenomenon to create a similar strategy for your business.

Make use of a consistent color theme for your social media profile. Utilize colors that relate to your product or service and resonate with the audience as well.

Don’t: Overcomplicate Fonts

Just like color, put in a lot of thought when choosing fonts for your social media images. However, instead of going with multiple font types, go for a single font for all your social media images.

The font you use on your images should also be simple and easy to read. The more casual your font is, the more approachable your pictures will be for the audience.

Take, for example, the Instagram feed of Adidas. The company uses the same typography in all their posts to maintain consistency and fluency.

Do: Use Images of People

Rather than using generic photos, use pictures of real people in your social media profiles. For example, your staff represents the best of your business. Show them working behind the scenes to create authenticity for your brand. You can also show them celebrating a birthday or milestone to portray your brand’s culture and show your staff as happy, friendly staff.

Customers using your product or service is another excellent way to showcase the identity of your brand. Take testimonials of your satisfied customers and use the images or videos as part of your marketing.

Don’t: Use Cliché Images

Buying stock photography is an easy answer when it comes to filling up the visual gap in your marketing strategy. They are usually high-quality, readily available, and you can find one for every niche imaginable.

However, stock photographs can often be impersonal and termed as cliché on multiple occasions. But despite this, there is no harm in using stock photography. The key is to find one that is not overused, appear generic, or seem like they are modeled specifically for the purpose.

Do: Size Images Correctly

Each social channel has a specific size that it adheres to. For example, images on Twitter are ideal if they are set to 400 X 400 pixels. On the other hand, the recommended size for a Facebook cover photo is 851 X 315, while Instagram supports profile photos that are 320 X 320 pixels.

Make sure you use the right size and dimension for the image you choose to display on your social media profile. Whether it’s a cover photo, a profile pic, or an image that you use on your latest post, ensure that they are the accurate size and according to the specific social media channel’s requirements. Failure to do so will result in images that are oddly cropped.

Use tools like Paint, Photoshop or Canva to resize images accordingly. Alternatively, StockPhotos offers an Image Upscaler that not only allows you to set the right size but improve the quality of the photo as well.

Don’t: Use Low-Quality Photos

This should go without saying but make sure to use images that are high-quality and not blurry in your social media posts. While custom photo shoots may be out of reach for many business owners, don’t shy away from using your photography skills and aiming for the best shots.

Use photos that are properly lit, too, especially for your cover pages that make up the most considerable portion of your social media account page. With a well-lit image, you give the viewers an appearance of professionalism and make it easier on the eyes!

Do: Utilize Whitespace

Most non-designers tend to overlook the opportunity, but whitespaces are a fundamental design principle that can enhance the appeal of any design. Also called the negative space, the white space is a space that is free from text, images, or any other design elements. It can be used to create balance and visual structure in composition and give the eyes a place to rest.

The best way to use whitespace is to feature wide margins around the images or text – like Herbs & Spices have done on their ad below!

See how the blank space around the central message allows immediate capture of attention and improves readability at the same time.

Don’t: Ignore the Audience

Each type of social media website has its specific kind of audience. For example, LinkedIn is more for professional users, while Instagram is popular with the younger audience. Use images and other content that the specific demographic can relate to.

Otherwise, you will create a big put-off with the target audience – leading to low engagement rates.

Do: Optimize your Profile

While you may have your main focus on the posts, don’t forget to optimize your profiles or account pages that best fit the services you provide. Partially completed profiles are not credible so make sure you provide all the information about your business/brand to ensure result-driven recognition.

Don’t: Forget to Track Engagement

Take a look at the data. Each social media network reports engagement received on each post. Use the information to guide you regarding the type of images that gets the most engagement. If a specific kind of post generates a lot of attention, take it as an indicator that this type of content is attractive for your target audience.

On the other hand, if a particular post is not popular with the audience, try to understand why it’s not working out as you expected. Sometimes experimenting with visuals is the best way to figure out what your audience wants and engages best with.

Final Words

The power of visuals is undeniable. And stats prove that posts with visuals get more engagement than any other form of content. However, everyone who has managed a social media account knows how challenging the medium can get.

With the above tips, you can easily overcome the hurdles and have your images stand out on social media. Good luck!

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