3 Ways To Grow Your Store Giving Away Product For Free

Glozin Lunar New Year Big Update

It might seem counter intuitive, but you can use giving away products for free as a way to grow your Shopify store. All of these tactics help get your product into more people’s hands – important when launching either a new business or a new product, but also let you test demand for your product.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to launch new products in new markets here are 3 ways you can grow your store by giving away products for free.

1. Product giveaways and contests

Giveaways are a great way to capture new leads to your store. Either giving away your products or something bigger, giveaways have a natural competent of vitality and maintain some organic engagement. Giveaways can be a great way to launch new products or test potential product ideas.

2. Actually Giving away New Products

Often times we have no problem doing big discounts especially at product launches but sometimes it’s actually more economical to give away a product for free. We had the most success at Treats Happen giving away two full size bags – just cover the shipping and handling. Enough customers bought more or came back to make this worthwhile.

3. Influencers and Brand Advocates

Giving away products or swag to potential influencers and brand advocates is another way to generate more sales. I’ve been seeing more ads for apply to be an influencer. I imaging the CPC is much lower on this rather than a hard sell offer. You could offer various tiers to your applicants from giving away product to a discount or a bonus with their order.

Source: Lucas Walker

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