Tagged: tracking


How To Add Free Track Your Order Page On Shopify

In today’s fast-paced e-commerce landscape, providing exceptional customer service is paramount to the success of your online store. One of the most crucial aspects of this service is ensuring that your customers can easily...


Top 8+ Best Shopify Google Tag Manager Apps

If you’re an eCommerce business owner using Shopify, then you know the importance of tracking and analyzing your website’s data. And one of the most efficient ways to do that is through Google Tag...


Top 9+ Paypal Tracking Apps For Shopify

If you’ve experienced any of the issues such as losing money to chargebacks, worrying about your PayPal account getting shut down, or having revenue being held in a PayPal reserve, then these great Paypal...


8+ Best Shopify Pinterest Pixel Apps

The Pinterest Pixel (Pinterest Tag) is a piece of JavaScript code for your website that enables you to measure, optimize and build audiences for your ad campaigns. Using Pinterest Pixel, you can leverage the...


The Best Shopify Reddit Pixel Apps

The Reddit Pixel is a snippet of JavaScript code, but it’s a powerful little thing: Once you’ve placed it on your website, the pixel will allow you to track actions that visitors take after...


Top 11+ TikTok Pixel Apps for Shopify

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use solution that can help you collect the most comprehensive customer behavior data and instantly create a custom or lookalike audience list based on existing groups thanks to precise...


The Best Shopify Snapchat Pixel Apps

The Snap Pixel is a piece of JavaScript code placed on your website that allows you to track the actions that Snapchatters take on your website. For example, when a Snapchatter adds a product...


3+ of Best Quora Pixel Apps For Shopify

As a globally recognized social question-and-answer website, Quora is an ideal platform for advertising. These apps will help you to manage and refine your ads. Quora Pixel Apps will track all customer interactions –...