XROUTE_OMS Shopify App Integration

XROUTE_OMS is a Shopify app developed by 로지포커스. This Shopify app helps to increase your customers' buying confidence and boost sales.


#역직구 해외 배송 관리 솔루션 XROUTE OMS * 쇼피파이 주문 처리를 자동으로 처리하세요. * 쇼피파이 주문처리에 시간을 많이 쓰지 마세요. * 엑스루트 OMS로 다양한 배송을 이용하여 빠르게 주문처리를 진행하세요. # XROUTE OMS 주요기능 1. 쇼피파이 원클릭 주문 처리 기능 2. 쇼피파이 주문 동기화, 주문 처리 및 배송 접수 기능 무료 3. 다양한 국가 특송 지원( UPS, DHL 등등 다양한 배송 서비스 제공 ) 4. 창고가 필요한 고객에게 풀필먼트 지원으로 빠른 배송 서비스 제공 # XROUTE OMS 자체 운송장 추적 기능 1. 다양한 배송 서비스의 배송 추적 API 연동으로 자체 운송장 추적 기능 지원 # 배송 서비스 CS 지원 1. 배송에 대한 고객 CS도 지원해 드립니다. # 이젠 쇼피파이 브랜딩에만 전념하세요. 1. 원클릭 주문처리 및 배송 서비스 지원으로 인건비가 절약 됩니다. 2. 제품 개발 및...

Most of the apps on Shopify's app store are relatively easy to integrate. And so is this Shopify app.

How to install XROUTE_OMS app?

To install the app, you simply need to go to Shopify App Store and find this app with keyword XROUTE_OMS. After that you must click onto Add app to, type your store URL and the app will get installed upon confirmation.

How to uninstall XROUTE_OMS app?

To uninstall the app, you simply need to go to https://www.shopify.com/admin/apps, find to XROUTE_OMS app and click the garbage can to uninstall this app.

If you have difficulty installing the XROUTE_OMS app or want advanced customization then Hura Apps team - a Shopify expert is right here to help you set up for your success in no time.

We'll help you install and set up the app you want from scratch to a completely working structure that is ready to use for you.

We support:

  • Safely install/uninstall XROUTE_OMS app
  • Integration with any Shopify theme as per specification
  • Configurations & setup
  • Troubleshoot and fix issues

Hura Apps is a Vietnam-based Shopify development team.
We have over 10 years of experience with Shopify. With the top skilled developers, we have done many projects for clients worldwide with high quality, on time and budget.

Looking for Shopify Experts?

Hura Apps can help you take your store to the next level

Our team of experienced designers and developers can help you create a beautiful, high-converting Shopify store that will drive sales and increase customer satisfaction. From custom design to app development and optimization, we have the skills and expertise to help you achieve your eCommerce goals.

Get in touch

Enquiry for XROUTE_OMS Shopify App Integration