Union ‑ レコメンデーション Shopify App Integration
Union ‑ レコメンデーション is a Shopify app developed by Shineos Co., Ltd. with rating: 5/5 based on 2 reviews. This Shopify app helps to increase your customers' buying confidence and boost sales.
About Union ‑ レコメンデーション:
当社が提供する『Union』は、AI/MLの最先端技術でお客様一人ひとりの好みに合わせた商品提案が可能です。この結果、ショップオーナーは、アップセルやクロセルの促進、さらにはコンバージョン率の大幅な向上が期待できます。初心者や拡大を目指す店舗向けの無料プランもございます。『Union』で、より多くのお客様に喜んでいただき、同時にビジネスの成果を実感してください! また、Zoom/メールを通じて無料のセットアップアシスタンスも提供しています。Most of the apps on Shopify's app store are relatively easy to integrate. And so is this Shopify app.
How to install Union ‑ レコメンデーション app?
To install the app, you simply need to go to Shopify App Store and find this app with keyword Union ‑ レコメンデーション. After that you must click onto Add app to, type your store URL and the app will get installed upon confirmation.
How to uninstall Union ‑ レコメンデーション app?
To uninstall the app, you simply need to go to https://www.shopify.com/admin/apps, find to Union ‑ レコメンデーション app and click the garbage can to uninstall this app.
If you have difficulty installing the Union ‑ レコメンデーション app or want advanced customization then Hura Apps team - a Shopify expert is right here to help you set up for your success in no time.
We'll help you install and set up the app you want from scratch to a completely working structure that is ready to use for you.
We support:
- Safely install/uninstall Union ‑ レコメンデーション app
- Integration with any Shopify theme as per specification
- Configurations & setup
- Troubleshoot and fix issues
Hura Apps is a Vietnam-based Shopify development team.
We have over 10 years of experience with Shopify. With the top skilled developers, we have done many projects for clients worldwide with high quality, on time and budget.