RuffRuff Campaign URL Builder Shopify App Integration
RuffRuff Campaign URL Builder is a Shopify app developed by Tsun Inc.. This Shopify app helps to increase your customers' buying confidence and boost sales.
About RuffRuff Campaign URL Builder:
Campaign URL Builder(キャンペーン URL ビルダー)では、施策をトラッキングするためのパラメータ付きのURLを生成できます。 利用する利点 ・パラメータ付きのURLの生成作業を楽にします ・面倒くさい施策のトラッキング漏れを改善します ・スプレッドシートやエクセルなどの作業から開放されます 特徴 ・安心の日本語対応 ・簡単3ステップでURL生成完了 ・複数商品でURL一括生成 ・UAとGA4の両方に対応 機能 ・パラメータ付きの商品URLを自動生成 ・パラメータを付与したい商品をキーワード検索 ・複数商品にパラメータを一括付与 ・前回利用したパラメータ情報を一次保存 対応しているパラメータ ・キャンペーンID(campaign ID) ・キャンペーンソース(campaign source) ・キャンペーン媒体(campaign medium) ・キャンペーン名(campaign name) ・検索広告キーワード(campaign term) ・キャンペーンの内容(campaign content) まずは一度お試しください!Most of the apps on Shopify's app store are relatively easy to integrate. And so is this Shopify app.
How to install RuffRuff Campaign URL Builder app?
To install the app, you simply need to go to Shopify App Store and find this app with keyword RuffRuff Campaign URL Builder. After that you must click onto Add app to, type your store URL and the app will get installed upon confirmation.
How to uninstall RuffRuff Campaign URL Builder app?
To uninstall the app, you simply need to go to, find to RuffRuff Campaign URL Builder app and click the garbage can to uninstall this app.
If you have difficulty installing the RuffRuff Campaign URL Builder app or want advanced customization then Hura Apps team - a Shopify expert is right here to help you set up for your success in no time.
We'll help you install and set up the app you want from scratch to a completely working structure that is ready to use for you.
We support:
- Safely install/uninstall RuffRuff Campaign URL Builder app
- Integration with any Shopify theme as per specification
- Configurations & setup
- Troubleshoot and fix issues
Hura Apps is a Vietnam-based Shopify development team.
We have over 10 years of experience with Shopify. With the top skilled developers, we have done many projects for clients worldwide with high quality, on time and budget.