Tagged: sale


20 Ways to make your first sale on Shopify

The biggest hurdle many independent e-commerce retailers face is making their first sale. Whether you’re selling $10 phone cases or $100 handbags, getting the first sale is a big milestone in your e-commerce journey....


Call-to-action ideas for Valentine’s Day

In the U.S., Valentine’s Day is a popular holiday that’s all about love and relationships. In fact, Americans spent nearly $2 billion this year on apparel last year, with an impressive 90% of sales...


Christmas 2018 Selling Guide

Get prepared for the largest retail event of the year Christmas is a massive retail holiday. Sales reached $658 billion last year with the average American buying 14 gifts (see stats here). There are...


Sell more during niche November events

Take advantage of niche events in November November is the last full month of autumn and marks the start of the holiday season. View our November niche calendar for campaign inspiration beyond your typical...


Halloween Selling Guide

Don’t miss the $8 billion spent during Halloween. Almost 70% of Americans celebrated Halloween last year, spending $31 per person on costumes alone (see the stats here). With October 31st quickly approaching, make sure...


Sell jewelry online in 3 steps

If the thought of setting up your own website makes you want to hyperventilate, take a deep breath. If you’re in this for the long haul, you’ll find it’s worth it. It’s not something...