Tagged: best Shopify apps


3+ Best Customer Verification Apps for Shopify

You sell special products and need verification before allowing customers to make a purchase. It means to purchase the products from the website, the customer needs to upload an identity document during registration, checkout...


7+ of the Best Shopify Call Center Apps

Did you know that majority of customers are disappointed with how hard it is to contact brands in case of an issue or simply a question? That means abandoned carts and lower order value....


7+ of the Best Shopify A/B Testing Apps

A/B testing is key to maximizing your conversion rate. This article will introduce you with the best A/B Testing apps for Shopify. These apps allow you to create split tests right from the elements...


4+ of the Best Shopify Infinite Scroll Apps

The endless scroll feature helps to gain customer attention. It improves the user experience and makes browsing pages easier. Scrolling is easier for users than clicking (and then scrolling again) and requires less action....