Tagged: best Shopify apps


21+ Best Shopify Free Shipping Bar Apps

Consumer today expect free shipping while they do online shopping and store owners wanna give free shipping when a customer purchases a certain amount of products. But how the customer will know when they...


5+ Best Shopify Visitors Counter Apps

Visitor counter or hit counter is a great new marketing channel to establish the much needed social proof on your shop to let your hard earned visitors know that they are not alone shopping...


4+ Best Shopify Recipe Apps For Food Stores

The Shopify recipe apps help you to publish your recipes without much fuss, optimize them so that they’re search-engine-friendly, and focus on delighting the readers with convenient options. In addition, the recipes will connect...


3+ Best Shopify Recruitment & Jobs Apps

Are you looking for the best Shopify recruitment & jobs App? There are several Shopify apps that you can use to easily create an online job board on your Shopify store. This can be...


Top 5+ Best Shopify Live Streaming Apps

.The ability to ‘go live’ directly onto your store will allow you to interact with customers in real time. Build a community by inviting others to join the call, creating user generated content in...